Coronavirus - Business Continuity Plan

Dear All,

We wish to assure all our clients that we have a robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) which we will implement if the guidance from the UK Government enforces any shutdowns or business closures as a result of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

This means that we will stay open for business, even if our physical office needs to close or have limited opening hours.

As a company, we embrace flexible and remote working and all our staff have the capacity to work remotely and call handling should not be affected. We also have enough employees to continue to handle your calls/enquiries even if our workforce is reduced through illness.

We also encourage the increasing use of video conferencing for clients whose identity has already been established.

We have already taken some short-term measures to mitigate potential issues arising from coronavirus, including:

  • Encouraging our clients and employees to reduce travel and face-to-face meetings where an audio/visual meeting is appropriate.
  • Designated room for client interviews, which is cleaned after every appointment
  • Ensuring all employees can remotely log into our offsite server if we decide to or are mandated to close our office.
  • Ensuring employees, wherever possible have remote homeworking and call handling equipment in the event of an office shut down.
  • Reviewing regularly our BCP against all likely impacts arising specifically from a coronavirus-related closure.
  • Ensuring our cloud-based server maintains connectivity

If you have any queries or would like any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email to or by telephone 01226 341111 and ask to speak to Alison.

Posted on Mar 16, 2020

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